Hello ~ Guangzhou Bao Feng Electrical Equipment Co., Ltd., welcome to inquire!

Guangzhou Bao Feng Electrical Equipment Co., Ltd.
Mr. Xu 13760785199
Telephone: 020-36402867 020-36406906
Fax: 020-26270698

About Us

PoFung, Canton Electrical Equipment Corp. Limited is specialized in hot-air-drying machines, including Air Knife Drying Systems, hot air Reflow Tunnel Oven, Precise oven, hot Air Generator, Industrial Hot Air Generator, Reflow Hot Air Generator, High-Pressure Hot Air Generator, Hot Air Fan, Ventilating Hot Air Fan, Gun Heater, Box Heater, Flexible Heating Hose; Air Knife, Amplified Flow Air Knife, Curved Air Knife, Mini Air Knife, Water Knife, Ionizing Air Knife, Dust & Debris Removal Air Knife, Ring Air Knife, Bendable Air Knife Set, Hot Air Knife, Reflow Hot Air Knife; Blower, Ring Blower, Eddy Blower, Heat Resistant Blower, Thermostatic Box, Air Filter, Heat Resistant Flexible Hose etc.
As air knife drying technology is widely applied in all fields internationally, it is the best choice for all industry cleansing and drying process.
Electronic industry: Products cleaning and water removal and drying for PCB, LCD, TFT etc.
Electronics manufacturing device: Function as a de-bridge connect for Wave Soldering Machine; blowing the unwanted solder on PCB and coating the solder evenly to get bright & smooth soldering layer etc.
Beverage industry: Water removing & drying before coding/labeling process for beverage bottle, can and various packaging.
Food industry: Hot air high temperature sterilization, fast watering removing & drying before packaging for vegetables and fruits.
Cleaning machinery: Especially applicable for PCB cleaning & drying machine, Glass cleaner, Ultrasonic cleaner, tunnel type mobile cleaner, commercial dishwasher etc.
Rubber machinery: Vulcanizing machine
Coating industry: Coating layer thickness control, water removal, drying and Wide-Area drying process.
Surface finishing industry: Dewatering/drying & de-grease after e-plating procedure, which can effectively control the plating layer thickness and ensure plating uniformity.
Steering industry: Dewatering and degrease for various strip steel and steel sheet, easy for rapid drying and rolling.
Pharmaceutical industry: Dewatering and drying for bottle and baggy dropper after cleaning.
Tyre & rubber industry: Dewatering and degrease, drying and static restraint.
Wire & cable industry: Dewatering and degrease, drying and static restraint. Automobile industry:Dewatering and degrease for engine parts; de-dust/dewatering for coatings; automobile cleaning, water removal and drying.
Architecture material: Drying, blowing the water and de-dust.
Pofung will insist our Company's slogan "scientific and technological innovation, integrity-based, priority quality, priority service" and try our best to serve our customers. We will promote products of high Performance-to-Price ratio according to market needs and applicable for domestic use based on digesting and absorbing overseas advanced technology, so to satisfy various customer needs. Our quality, integrity and persistence will provide the best service and quality assurance for you.

Fax: 020-26270698
Tel: 020 - 85271830
Including wind knife drying conveyor; hot air circulation oven tunnel furnace, precision hot; hot air generators, industrial machine, hot air circulating hot air machine, hot air generator, heat fan, air heater, circulating air knives, welcome to inquire!
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