Hello ~ Guangzhou Bao Feng Electrical Equipment Co., Ltd., welcome to inquire!

Guangzhou Bao Feng Electrical Equipment Co., Ltd.
Mr. Xu 13760785199
Telephone: 020-36402867 020-36406906
Fax: 020-26270698

WWK-T curved air knife
  • Product Number:
  • Brand:Curved Air Knife
  • Units:0
  • Specification:0
Material description:
Body material: SUS304
Edge material: Oxidized aluminium alloy plate
The air knife is constituted by inlet duct, splitter board, sharpened ventilation and narrow air channel.

- Pressure resistance: 2kgf/cm2 max; Flow rate: 200m/s max; Operating temperature:250¡æ max.
- Low air resistance & even airflow.
- Outlet port can vary from 1~5mm
- Various inlet ports with dia. adjustable based on different air flow needs.
- Easy fixing, both side and top inlet mode are available. Can meet special fixing needs.
- High temperature resistance,can multiply the drying efficiency
Fax: 020-26270698
Tel: 020 - 85271830
Including wind knife drying conveyor; hot air circulation oven tunnel furnace, precision hot; hot air generators, industrial machine, hot air circulating hot air machine, hot air generator, heat fan, air heater, circulating air knives, welcome to inquire!
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